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Enchanted Forest

  A dream sequence of a dark dystopian surrealist, Z. Beksinski, in a seemingly bizarre enchanted forest. Musical score title: Brewing Potions by Rafael Krux. Licensed under Creative Commons: No Attribution (public domain).  

Hello, I'm ARMANDO

I am an amateur
visual artist,
programmer &
NFT creator.
And oh, I also 
dabble in artificial intelligence.

About Me

As an amateur photographer for over 30 years I have developed a keen eye for details to ensure that all the elements within the photo work together harmoniously to convey the right vision or message. This passion for photography has spilled over to visual arts and the same rules apply. And as a programmer by profession it is only logical to step up my game and dabble in artificial intelligence. 

And this is how art meets AI!

Creatures of Solana

Random Minimalism

Lovable Blobs

Art As Code